Reversible Hydrochromic Ink

Reversible Hydrochromic Ink

Reversible Hydrochromic Ink

◆ When exposed to water, the color changes from white to transparent, and reveals the covered patterns.
◆ Water-based ink, suitable for printing.

Reversible Hydrochromic Ink

A. Principle

  Composed of porous materials. When light passes through the dried porous irregular structure, light scats and makes the surface look like a white opaque coverage. Upon water enters into the pores, water increases light refraction, let porous become transparent and reveal the covered pattern. It reverts to white opacity after the water evaporates.

B. Product Information


Certification:EN-71-3, RoHS

Standard Colors:White

C. Available Forms & Applicability:

No. Forms Water-based ink
01 Solvent:Ink, Paint
02 Aqueous:Ink, Paint
Suggest Concentrations:Print directly
03 Plastic Injection, Extrusion

:Applicable、 :Conditionally Applicable、 :Not Applicable。

D. Notice:

1. Avoid diluting the ink with solvents or water, it may make adhesion worse.

2. The thicker film thickness presents good coverage, but decrease the water permeability.