Antimicrobial Masterbatch

Antimicrobial Masterbatch

Antimicrobial Masterbatch

◆ Made of inorganic silver nanoparticles, inhibits and combats bacterial growth effectively.
◆ Inhibits Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Gram-positive/negative bacteria, and more.
◆ Stable, safe, and highly heat-resistant.

Antimicrobial Masterbatch

A. Principle

  Silver nanoparticle has excellent activity, and when encountering pathogens, it undergoes an oxidation reaction with bacteria, transforming into silver ions (Ag+) that can directly penetrate and destroy the cell walls. These ions bind to the enzyme proteins that maintain bacterial activity, inhibiting bacterial metabolism and reproduction, leading to the death of the pathogens and achieving antibacterial and bacteriostatic effects. Moreover, after the bacteria die, the silver ions are released from the bacterial body, reverting to nano silver and continuously maintaining their repetitive antibacterial function.

B. Product Information

Available:EVA, TPU, PE, PP, PBT…etc.

Suggest Concentrations:5%w/w.

Test Method:ISO22196, AATCC30.

C. Notice:

1. Masterbatch should be stored in dark and cool dry place.

2. Avoid using raw materials containing NO3- or Cl- in the plastic formulation to prevent masterbatch from color-changing.